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Outcome Three

Implement a cycle of quantitative and qualitative research that leads to improved technology integration and teacher adoption.

Project Description:

The Research proposal is a survey of existing research into the use of digital badges in education and their effect on achievement. The existing research was used to develop a baseline of the current trends and utilization of digital badges, and to inform the methodology and design for personal research into using the badges in an 11th grade English class. The proposal outlines the parameters of the action research to be conducted, the data to be collected, and how the data will be analyzed. The existing research was found to be lacking in relation to k-12 education. The proposed research plan would benefit a large number of teachers if a favorable connection was found between digital badges and student achievement.


Demonstrates Mastery:

The proposal demonstrates mastery of the outcome through the process of planning the methodology and design of an action research project. The survey of existing research on the subject creates a base of knowledge, that the proposal connects to the methodology and design ensuring that the research is carried out in a constructive and useful way that will provide a high probability of yielding results. Once completed, the research could have useful applications in the effectiveness of integrating technology into a k-12 classroom.



The research into this subject was very enlightening for me. I found, first of all, that there was very little available dealing with the use of digital badges, or gamification in general with K-12 students. However, I did find some examples from higher education where the badges had been implemented, and those examples gave me ideas about how to incorporate badges into my own class in a way that would be seen as fun and motivating for my students. I have since introduced the badges to my students and continue to use them with varied results due more to poor treatment of badges in the Schoology LMS than the badges themselves. I carry on in hopes that soon Schoology will update their badge integration, and my badges will have a better impact.

Project Title: Research Proposal
Class: DMET 580
Project Title: Action Research Project
Class: DMET 581

Project Description:

My action research project was to determine if digital badges had any effect on the grades of the students in my 11th grade English class, and whether or not the students found them motivating. I analyzed the grade data from the first two marking periods and compared that data to the grades from the third marking period where I had introduced the digital badges. The students who participated also completed a survey that detailed their opinions on the badges and whether they found them to be motivating. Unfortunately, the badges did not have an effect on student’s grade, and the students did not find them to be motivating. I hypothesized that this was due to the treatment of the badges in the Schoology LMS where the badges weren’t displayed in an obvious location, students weren’t able to share the badges they’d earned with other students, and they couldn’t see what other badges they could earn or how to earn them.


Demonstrates Mastery:

This project utilized qualitative and quantitative data to draw a conclusion about whether the badges were a successful motivating tool and improved student achievement. Even though the data didn’t show any improvement, it was an opportunity to experience the research process and to gather and analyze data in the proper way. Everything from the design of the research to the methodology was carried out in a fashion that would provide useful data to show definitely if the badges were a tool worth adding to online instruction in a K-12 classroom.



The experience of conducting this type of action research project is an essential part of furthering technology in K-12 education. The badges did not end up having an effect, but I did find that the way the badges are presented does matter when considering their motivating factor. I have continued using that badges in my teaching, and although Schoology has not changed the way they process and display badges, I have changed the way I approach them and they have proven to be motivating to some students. They are at least a fun diversion from the more serious work that takes place day to day. This project not only changed a small part of my instruction online, but I have a new process to follow when determining whether something works for instruction.

Research Proposal

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